Watercolour Weather Icons Pack

Numéro d'identification du contenu:2113124

  • Gratuit

A pack of doodled little icons to mark the weather, coloured with watercolour! I needed such simple, kind of cute icons to illustrate a teenage character's journal and didn't find anything to my taste, so I made this. It's nothing fancy but it's functionnal, so i thought it could be shared with others ! Coloured and non-coloured versions of the icons are included. Please enjoy !

Icons included. There's no icons for snowy weather because I don't needed such thing for my project (my character lives in a place where it never snows ahah), but if some of you are interested I could add cold weather icons later !

Coloured icons

No colour icons

Numéro d'identification du contenu:2113124

Date de publication : 20 days ago

Date de mise à jour : 20 days ago