Massive Oriental Mobs

Numéro d'identification du contenu:2101518

  • 110 CLIPPY

4 mobs pen for your backgrounds (Oriental villagers)

Hello ! 

Here's a completed oriental mobs pack of my recent work.
(I made it in the same style as the few other oriental mobs also existing on asset, so you can use them together ! ;) )

In this Pack you'll find :

  • Oriental mobs pen 1 (6 villagers declined in 2 colors each one)
  • Oriental mobs pen 2 (8 merchants declined in 2 colors each one)
  • Oriental mobs pen 3 (6 other vilagers declined in 2 colors each one)
  • Massive oriental mobs pen (addition of the 3 Oriental pens, so 20 villagers declined in 2 colors each one)

-> Works very well with theses mob pens :
   (thanks to the owners)
  • 2039130
  • 2091622

Catégorie 1

Numéro d'identification du contenu:2101518

Date de publication : 1 month ago

Date de mise à jour : 1 month ago