Jail / prison 3D

Numéro d'identification du contenu:2091365

  • 1 063
  • Gratuit
Ce matériau peut être utilisé en Mode studio. (Qu'est-ce que le Mode studio?)

A Jail 3D

Your computer may have issues running it 

There's one room + 2 hallway 

samy thing if your computer have issues running it

follow the tutorial below

Do cool things with it if you want to thank me

No need to tip I have enough clippies for 10 lifes with my arena 


If your computer have issues running the 3D model !!

1.Open the 3D model in Clip Studio Modeler
2. Open the 3D Model concerned
3. - On the bottom right - Deactivate the light source // outline // shadows
4. Apply current settings to new files
5. - On the top left - Register as new material to save the changes

You still have issues running it ? 

You either lying or your computer is mad bad and you should ask yourself the right questions.


  • Default material


  • Default layout

Numéro d'identification du contenu:2091365

Date de publication : 20 days ago

Date de mise à jour : 20 days ago