Pupitre Escolar Doble 1 (Double School Desk 1) Double School Desk 1

Content ID:2149402

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Material compatible con Clip Studio Paint 1.12.0 y versiones posteriores. ( Puedes descargar la última versión desde aquí )

Escritorio de madera que se usa comúnmente en las escuelas de mi país para los niveles de escuela primaria, secundaria y preparatoria. Wooden desk that are commonly used in schools in my country for both Elementary School, Middle School, and High School levels.

Mi otra cosa gratis...
disfrútalo... :)
My another free stuff...
enjoy it... :)

Content ID:2149402

Publicados : 2 hours ago

Última actualización: : 1 day ago

Perfil de Budeng Ve a perfil

I'm a male from Indonesia I really enjoy learning to develop my skills. So here I hope I can learn a lot from the masters and seniors. And I really hope that the masters and seniors are willing to teach me and share their knowledge with me.