Pose: Sentado en silencio (Pose: Sitting Quiety) Pose: Sitting Quiety

Content ID:2146394

  • 141
  • Gratis

Una pose de una mujer sentada con las piernas metidas contra ella, una mano apoyada en su cabeza y la otra descansando en su pierna.

NOTA: Esta pose solo se ve bien en ciertos ángulos.
A pose of a female sitting with her legs tucked against her, one hand resting on her head, and the other resting on her leg.

NOTE: This pose only looks good at certain angles.

Content ID:2146394

Publicados : 3 hours ago

Última actualización: : 8 hours ago

Perfil de Dolorre Ve a perfil

Greetings fellow human! I'm Dolorre, a (mostly) self-taught artist. Clip Studio Paint is my all-time favorite digital art program. Most of the poses I will post are inspired by actual human being and their poses. The human body is an amazing thing!