De la bóveda (from the vault) from the vault

Content ID:2145288

  • 29
  • Gratis

Posa para los fans de un conocido videojuego postapocalíptico retro-futurista y su mascota
Es posible que necesite ligeros ajustes para los modelos que no son chibi / SD
Pose for fans of a well-known retro-futuristic post-apocalyptic videogame and its mascot
May need slight adjustments for non-chibi/SD models

Content ID:2145288

Publicados : 2 hours ago

Última actualización: : 11 hours ago

Perfil de ThatOneRedhead Ve a perfil

I've never been a very good artist. I like making poses for things I want to draw, even if I can't draw them very well. Sometimes I make body types.

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