[Pose] Listo para defender/Ser cauteloso ([Pose] Ready to defend/Being wary) [Pose] Ready to defend/Being wary

Content ID:2095942

  • 4
  • 10 CLIPPY

Quería crear una pose en la que el personaje se defendiera o desconfiara.
También es mi primera pose, por lo que podría no ser perfecta.

I wanted to create a pose where the character defends himself or is wary.
It's also my first pose, so it might be not perfect.

Content ID:2095942

Publicados : 1 day ago

Última actualización: : 1 day ago

Perfil de Xeranah Ve a perfil

Just a weird girl from Germany who tries to be creative. I will probably upload small assets from time to time. Most will be for free because I like sharing stuff. Hope you will enjoy it.