Bolígrafo multicolor (Multicolored Hair Pen) Multicolored Hair Pen

Content ID:2082874

  • 231
  • Gratis

Este es un bolígrafo para el cabello multicolor con una fuerte conicidad. Es ideal para el cabello puntiagudo o liso, y para algunos tipos de rizos. Hay dos colores en cada trazo que se pueden cambiar a tu gusto. ¡Disfrutar! This is a multicolored hair pen with a strong taper. It's great for spikey or straight hair, and for some types of curls. There are two colors in each stroke which can both be changed to your liking. Enjoy!

Content ID:2082874

Publicados : 13 days ago

Última actualización: : 5 days ago

Perfil de Aquarius.k Ve a perfil

Hi I'm Kira, I live in the USA. Some things I like to create are fantasy scenes, portraits, and logos or album covers. My zodiac sign is Aquarius ♒️ (hence the nickname) I love Clip Studio Paint and try to contribute with materials. Thanks!