Oko's Auto Actions

Content ID:2074514

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Auto actions that i made to help me while i draw

Replace Color:
Replace Color in the layer

Merge layer/folder:
Merge selected layers, also works to merge a folder

Creates a grid that mark to the center of the file

Select vectors:
For it to work you must select with the laso tool the vector line that you want to adjust

Convert the selected layer in a raster layer, works on vector layers, layers that have the border effect and image material

New folder:
It creates a folder, also, If you select the layers you want and press the auto action it will put the layers on a new folder automatically

Brightness to opacity:
Converts Brightness color to opacity (transparency), works best with white
I use it to change the white color to transparent

Content ID:2074514

Publicados : 3 months ago

Última actualización: : 3 months ago

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