Sports Motorcycle - DP

Content ID:2071466

  • 20 128
  • 50 CLIPPY
Este material se puede usar en el Modo estudio. (¿Qué es el Modo estudio?)

I'm new to this so don't have too many expectations.

Anyway, I won't get involved anymore and I'll leave yall this motorcycle.
Thanks for the time!! ºwº

Please take a look at this:

Reference with my 3D Models( ID: 2072533 ):
52 is the "Scale" for the Motorcycle!

To extract Lines:

PD. Sorry for the unoptimized model, i will be repairing that later! :D


Thanks for all the support i really appreciate it.
Soon i will be posting more models of muscles cars and sports cars aswell poses for the bike and a helmet, so stay tuned!! ^^


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Content ID:2071466

Publicados : 1 month ago

Última actualización: : 1 month ago

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