Seta (Mushroom) Mushroom

Content ID:2067876

  • 384
  • Gratis

Un hongo listo para usar. A mushroom ready to use.

Tengo un sugury de manos que tiene un tiempo de recuperación de 1 a 2 meses, así que he estado tratando de practicar tanto como pueda antes de eso. Entonces, aquí hay un hongo al azar.

  • Champiñón de colores (solo uno)

I have a hand sugury coming up that has a 1-2 month recovery time, so I have been trying to fit in as much practice as I can before then. So, here is a random mushroom.

  • Colored mushroom (only one)

Content ID:2067876

Publicados : 11 months ago

Última actualización: : 11 months ago

Perfil de ☙Blair❧ Ve a perfil

Hi! I’m Blair. I’m not an amazing artist, but I am doing my best to improve. As I practice, I’ll upload the results as image materials. I hope that they can help someone!