Juego de bolígrafos Webtoon (Webtoon Pen Set) Webtoon Pen Set

Content ID:1938288

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Los únicos 3 bolígrafos que necesitas para dibujar cómics. The only 3 pens you need for drawing comics.

Desde que comencé a navegar por los ASSETS, siempre tuve dificultades para encontrar cuál usar para dibujar, arte de línea y color / sombreado. Terminé comprando / descargando muchos pinceles que ni siquiera usé :v

Así que hice uno yo mismo.

*Este es un juego de bolígrafos promocional que creé para mi cómic.

→Esto se hizo en un lienzo de 2632x2464

Para aquellos que se preguntan si subiré más armas 3D, la respuesta es SÍ.
Tal vez en una semana o dos.

Ever since I started browsing through the ASSETS, I always had a hardtime finding which one to use for Sketching, Line Art and Color/Shading. I ended up buying/downloading a lot of brushes that I did not even used :v

So I made one myself.

*This is a promotional pen set that I created for my comic.

→This was done in a 2632x2464 Canvas

To those who are wondering if I will upload more 3d Guns, the answer is YES.
Maybe in a week or two.

Plumas Pens

Content ID:1938288

Publicados : 1 year ago

Última actualización: : 1 year ago

Perfil de H-Ero Ve a perfil

Check my newly created webtoon out! It's in my profile if you're interested. I draw and create things that I consider, Interesting... I ALSO sell models for a very cheap price ;> you're welcome. "There are demands that need suppliance"- I forgor