Cuerda deshilachada (no transparente) (Frayed Rope (non-transparent)) Frayed Rope (non-transparent)

Content ID:1913871

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Un simple cepillo de cuerda deshilachado A simple frayed rope brush

Para cambiar el color de la cuerda:

Primera muestra: color que desea que sea el lineart

Segunda muestra: color que desea que sea la cuerda
To change the color of the rope:

First swatch - color you want the lineart to be

Second swatch - color you want the rope to be

Content ID:1913871

Publicados : 2 years ago

Última actualización: : 2 years ago

Perfil de Coyote_prophet Ve a perfil

Hi there! I'm Orion, and sometimes I make brushes. If you have a problem with or question about a brush, please feel free to tell me!! If you would like to request a brush, you can DM me! I may or may not fulfill these requests, but I appreciate them.