sala médica / médica (medical / doctor room) medical / doctor room

Content ID:1872299

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una pequeña sala médica. Tiene una pared cortada porque la puerta estaba siendo un dolor absoluto :) a small medical room. It has a cutaway wall because the door was being an absolute pain :)

hecho en licuadora: se verá diferente en clip studio

made in blender- will look different in clip studio

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  • Diseño predeterminado Default layout

Content ID:1872299

Publicados : 2 years ago

Última actualización: : 2 years ago

Perfil de smokesalty Ve a perfil

I'm a comic creator that models my own backgrounds! More usable assets that I've made will be posted here. Most of these backgrounds are from my comic 'The Commune,' which is still in development.