Content ID:1860296

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¡Mi cepillo licuadora desordenada! un poco similar a un cepillo de gouche, pero se mezcla en trozos y tonos ... ¡Úsa como quieras y disfruta! My messy blender brush! kinda similar to a gouche brush but blends in chunks and shades... Use as you wish and enjoy!

Más información: Square tip custom gouche brush that messily blends and can stretch color value! también es ideal para pintar el cabello, la piel y las pinturas de estilo tradicional!!! Similar a un pincel de aceite de pintura grueso y se puede utilizar para pintar piezas mecánicas. Por favor, disfrute de mi cepillo!

More info: Square tip custom gouche brush that messily blends and can stretch color value! also great for painting hair,fur,and, traditional styled paintings!!! Similar to a thick paint oil brush and can be used to paint mechanical pieces. Please do enjoy my brush!

Content ID:1860296

Publicados : 2 years ago

Última actualización: : 2 years ago

Perfil de Traumaism07 Ve a perfil

Hi I'm Traumaism07! I'm a artist who makes nice quality and attainable brushes for creating and digital art! I also make workspaces and brushes that well known artist may use.( not exactly the same but very close!) Message me for recommendation! :)