It is a collection of materials that can be used to fill the background of Webtoon Webtoonの背景埋めに使える素材集です
It is a collection of materials that can be used to fill the background of Webtoon
Produced at 2000×5000px and 350dpi
It can be pasted on the canvas by dragging and dropping.
Background Material 背景素材
Trees at night in the rainy sky 雨空夜に樹
Rainy night sky 雨空夜
Trees in the rainy sky 雨空に樹
Rainy sky 雨空
Trees in a cloudy sky 曇り空に樹
cloudy sky 曇り空
Trees in the night sky 夜空に樹
Sky 夜空
Trees in the evening sky 夕空に樹
Evening sky 夕空
Trees in the daytime sky 昼空に樹
Daytime Sky 昼空
Trees in the morning sky 朝空に樹
Towards the sky 朝空
Prairie Road Night 草原道夜
Prairie Road 草原道夕
Prairie Road Daytime 草原道昼
Prairie Night 草原夜
Prairie evening 草原夕
Prairie day 草原昼