Japanese pattern set (plum and floral string peony and mirror, Chrysanthemum and Mizuhiki) (和柄セット(梅と結い紐・牡丹と鏡・菊と水引)) 和柄セット(梅と結い紐・牡丹と鏡・菊と水引)

Content ID:1754801

  • 104

It is a set of brushes and images in the design of the Japanese pattern three. The material of the line drawing is with the groundwork.
I re-painted the material I had previously published on PIXIV for CLIP STUDIO.
The smaller sample image is drawn with 500px.
The large was pasted by the double etc. in the image material.

Brush ブラシ

Image 画像

Content ID:1754801

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

九月(くがつ)'s profile Go to profile

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