Kreuzschraffierte Textur (Cross Hatched Texture) Cross Hatched Texture

Content ID:2143089

  • 73

Leicht skizzenhaft gestaltete Kreuzschraffur-Textur. Slightly sketchy styled cross hatch texture.

Textur per Drag & Drop. Dafür habe ich Schnittmasken und Mischmodi wie Glühen und Überlagern verwendet.

Drag and drop texture. For this I utilized clipping masks and blending modes such as Glow and Overlay.

Content ID:2143089

Veröffentlicht : 18 hours ago

Zuletzt aktualisiert : 18 hours ago

liluzigjert's Profil Zum Profil gehen

Illustrator and 3D artist. I like to use what I learned on the 3D side to aid my drawings. I make a lot of 3D models and textures, and I look forward to sharing some stuff here.